Dohyo Download 0085: Smelly Dead Fish

This is the Official Podcast of the Road to Yokozuna Discord game at . If you aren’t playing, why not? This is the best sumo game around! We have a great community and we’re always ready to welcome an enthusiastic new player! Join us!

Genbu (DJ), Tamanosato, Kamahiko, Asabariki, Enkaga, Kamishiro, and Takaryu got together for a talk about nothing! We discuss Genbu’s terrible echo (which only he can hear), struggles with the banzuke, struggles with Guess the Banzuke, Daiesho not really being Ozeki material, who will win the next IRL basho, who are likely to be the next IRL Ozeki, and we’ll be doing the one hour earlier (11am Pacific USA time) broadcast again next week as well to give this a fair chance… join us!

You can find us by email at and more can be found at!