Dohyo Download 0125: Genbu is Ruining My Mood Again

No Kamahiko, Kaitetsu, or Enkaga! However, Genbu is joined by Tamanosato, Asanosato, Kokuchozan (asato), and Chubamidori (asato) as we talk about some of our grievances with the IRL banzuke, have some live King of the Mountain bouts, make Asanosato choke, have a plethora of title options, discuss Enkaga’s epic losing streak, talk with Asabariki (asato) when he pops in for a hot minute, figure out if the Champ/Chump is officially updated, and wonder if we can find Kamahiko somewhere on the Internet. Fun to be had (asato)! This is an Episato to die for!

If you would like to be a part of Season 5 of the Champ/Chump series, please ping Genbu and let him know. You can be part of the NEXT basho. There is plenty of time to play!

This is the Official Podcast of the Road to Yokozuna Discord game at . This is the best sumo game around! We have a great community and we’re always ready to welcome new players! Join us! You can find us by email at and more can be found at!